
Legal notice

Unseen Biometrics ApS.

Head office:

Unseen Biometrics ApS (Anpartsselskab)
Fruebjergvej 3
2100 København Ø


Share capital: EUR 22.651 | DKK 170.375
Registered with Erhvervsstyrelsen (Langelinie Allé 17, 2100 København Ø)
Registration number: CVR 40046585

The company is legally represented by the Chief Executive Officer, Johan Bruun Hartmann.

Telephone: +45 26 13 14 26
Available Monday - Friday, between 8:00 and 16:00 CST

If you as a consumer want to complain about your purchase, please contact

If we do not succeed in finding a solution, you can send a complaint to:

Center for Klageløsning
Nævnenes Hus
Toldboden 2
8800 Viborg

If you reside in an EU country other than Denmark, you can issue your complaint to the European Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform. The ODR platform is provided by the European Commission to make online shopping safer and fairer through access to quality dispute resolution tools. It is available through the following Link:

Legal information about the photos used on and
The graphics and images used come mainly from Freepik, Pexels and Unsplash.
Portraits of the team and images of the product were taken by Martin Lønstrup Esquives.
We use icons from FontAwesome. Font Awesome Free 5.15.2 by @fontawesome - License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)