Stress - Does it impact your gut microbiome?
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Sleep & The Gut Microbiome
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Histamine & Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Histamine Intolerance (HIT) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) have similar symptoms and can therefore be easily confused. Additionally, histamine is shown to impact IBS. While this topic is still a growing area of research, we are going to shed some light on the current state of the art to understand the connection between histamine and IBS.
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Histamine & Gut Health
Scientific studies show that histamine intolerance and the gut microbiome are connected. Here, we outline histamine's effect on the gut mucosa, how a leaky gut can worsen your histamine intolerance, and which specific microbes play vital roles.
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Histamine Intolerance
Histamine and histamine intolerance is a topic of emerging attention, especially, because it may be misdiagnosed as IBS. This article aims to shed some light on this type of intolerance, its common symptoms, diagnosis, and therapeutic options.
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Why should we care about ultra-processed foods?
Cheap, attractive, and convenient, specifically engineered to taste delicious, we can’t stop until the package it’s empty – it’s hard not to. But is ultra-processed food really bad for your gut and overall health?
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DNA is everywhere
Wherever you go and whatever you do, you leave traces of DNA. The DNA is part of about 500 million skin cells that you shed on average every single day. It is also inside tiny droplets of saliva that you spread into the air when you speak, sneeze or cough. And, it should come as no surprise that DNA is also in your urine and...
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Gut Health for Beginners
"All diseases begin in the gut." But was Hippocrates right? Today’s science has shown that he wasn’t far off. Your gut is the foundation of your entire health.
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Fermented Foods & Gut Health: What does science have to say about it?
Fermented foods are becoming increasingly popular for improving gut health. We hear so often about their beneficial effects but what exactly falls into this food category? What is fermentation? Do all fermented foods contain live microorganisms? And why are they so important?
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Microbiome Diet ~ 1. Fibre
What is the most fundamental nutrient you need to support your gut microbiome? Which foods have it and which do not? Is it also good for my health? If you've been drawing blanks here, fret not!
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Legumes & Gut Health
Legumes have been widely used in cuisines all over the world since ancient times and are a staple food in many cultures. Despite its countless benefits, many people forget to include them in their diet.
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Gut mycobiota under scrutiny: Colonizers or environmental gut tourists?
The human gut is home to a complex microbial ecosystem composed of a huge variety of species including bacteria, archaea, viruses, protists, and fungi. For the last 15 years, science has put a lot of effort into understanding the role of bacteria in human physiology and disease development.
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The Gut-Brain Axis: Is it really a thing?
The gut-brain axis is a trending topic that has captured the attention of researchers from all around the world. It is now widely accepted that what happens in our gut affects our moods and behavior. A vast amount of scientific evidence confirms the influence of the microbiome on this axis in health and the development of diseases.
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Microbiome Diet ~ 4.2 Foods to Limit - Artificial Sweeteners
Ever wondered whether diet soda is a healthier option than the real thing? It is widely accepted that reducing sugar consumption is beneficial for our health, but what about their replacements? Consumption of artificial sweeteners has increased dramatically nowadays, but should we be in favour of, or avoiding these?
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Microbiome Diet ~ 4.3 Foods to Limit - Sweets and Sweet Drinks
In addition to “dangerous” foods, such as alcohol, and artificial sweeteners, can sugar from sweets and soft drinks also affect our gut health. why is this? And what are science and concepts behind it?
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Microbiome Diet ~ 2. Animal Products
What is the influence of dietary fat and animal products on your internal microbial ecosystem? What do we know from literature and science, and how can we translate these concepts into real actions and consumption habits?
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Eating for a Trillion: Sustainable eating and Gut health
It is completely normal to feel overwhelmed by the huge amount of information on food, diets, healthy lifestyles, the microbiome, and the environmental impact of our daily choices.
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Microbiome Diet ~ 4.1 Foods to Limit - Alcohol
We know that diet is one of the main modulators of the composition and function of the microbiota. This influence is so strong that changes in diet can affect how our microbes evolve and adapt in response to the food we eat.
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Microbiome Diet ~ 3. Boosting the Good Guys
What you eat has a huge impact on your gut health. Some foods are beneficial for your gut bacteria, while others have the opposite effect. What foods are the ones that boost the beneficial microbes that live in your gut?
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